“If I knew then, what I know now – I would have taken out a personal loan to have worked with you, as it paid me back 10-fold.”
Imagine owning a buzzing fitness or wellness business that’s changing the community for the better.
Imagine having the freedom to pursue your vision without distractions or stress.
Imagine doing what you love every single day…
… and inspiring others to love it, too.
Doesn’t that sound like a dream?
Well, for my Gold Membership clients, it’s not a dream at all – it’s what they wake up to every morning. A sweet life of entrepreneurship that gives them the freedom to spend their days doing what they love most.
3-monthS of expert coaching support designed to completely transform your fitness or wellness Business from the inside out.
But before the Gold Membership changed their lives, they asked the same question that you’re probably asking right now:
“How can I achieve all of that when I don’t really know what I’m doing?”
And they struggled with the same problems you’re facing now.
The biggest one of all?
Lacking the knowledge and expertise to know exactly which path to take for their unique journey.
Business ownership is not easy, nor is it simple. It’s confusing, daunting, and overwhelming. Make no mistake, my clients know where they want to end up, but without the business strategy know-how, they were unclear about which steps to take to get there.
So instead of enjoying a life of freedom and choice, they were trapped in an overworked job that didn’t pay them a single cent.
But all of that changed
Gold Membership
The Gold Membership is a 3-month program with 100% customized expert coaching support that’s designed to completely transform your fitness or wellness business from the inside out.
20 years of all-encompassing experience and expertise
I designed the Gold Membership for business owners who are:
Tired of fumbling around in the dark with their business.
Want to start their business off on the right foot to avoid common new owner pitfalls that waste money, time, and energy
Ready to take their business and life to the next level as a leader, instead of a “manager”
Have a desire to franchise, add multiple locations, and/or passive revenue streams
Need high level, specific guidance on hiring and staff management best practices
Value having a trusted expert on their team to work with on strategy, communication, and leadership principles
Are serious about business growth, profit and achieving success
Want that weekly accountability, coaching and support to expand their life AND business (they are intertwined)
I help you make every single business decision for the next 3 months
We don’t waste time with cookie-cutter methods. You have specific problems that need custom-fit answers. Your path to success is different from everyone else’s – why follow the same map?
For the next 3 months, I’m your CEO, business partner, head of marketing, fitness industry expert, therapist… you name it, you’ve got my support. We’re in this together and we have one goal: your success.
Whether your business is in trouble, or you just know things could be better, the Gold Membership program is guaranteed to improve and optimize every aspect of your business.
What You Get
ENjoy 2 hours of my undivided attention every week
Tell me about your biggest challenges. Ask your most pressing questions. Two hours every week of one-on-one, pin-pointed, whatever-you-need-help-on consulting with an expert who has all the answers.
Get the freshest advice you can get your hands on. I stay up-to-date on fitness business trends, strategies, and methodologies so you don’t have to.
With recurring sessions, I keep you proactive, motivated, and laser-focused on your goals. Maybe you don’t know where to get started. That’s okay – I’ll guide you.
With my guidance and coaching on best practices specific to your business, you’ll become the successful entrepreneur you dream of!
Additionally, each consulting session is recorded and sent to you for easy review and efficient staff communication. In addition, the recorded session comes with personalized homework to keep the momentum going with concrete, actionable steps.
Stay on track with ongoing reviews and recommendations
I’ll review and edit all of your marketing materials to make sure you’re consistently sending the right message, through the most effective channels, to your prospective and existing clients. Need help with email marketing? I’ll review and provide best practice for powerful results.
And with unlimited Marco Polo video communication, your ongoing questions are answered quickly and your a-ha moments are celebrated!
Become a sales pro
Even if you’ve never had experience with sales of any kind, I can help you get up to speed quickly. Get everything you need to empower your team and maximize your revenue:
Detailed, step-by-step sales process that leaves no room for mistakes
Personalized training session for your sales team via Zoom conference
Customized sales script designed to convert customers
Salesperson job description example so you can hire the right person
Three tried-and-true sales process email templates for you to copy and paste
Sales isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But I’ll show you how to effectively sell memberships with authenticity and heart.
Gain instant access to a vast resource library of more than 150 hours of studio ownership education
Immediately after signing up, you'll get access to a vast library of videos, worksheets, scripts, checklists, and cheat sheets so you can master topics like:
The New Client Experience
Selling the Intro Offer
Staff Hiring and Management
Excellent Customer Service
Client Retention
Retention Metrics
You’ll also have access to exclusive interviews and content from my podcast Wellness is Wealth where I share best practices for leading a wellness/fitness business!
Get your website critiqued so you can make it amazing
Does your website reflect you and your business? Does it look professional and inviting? Is it bringing you customers or turning them off?
Having worked with thousands of clients and their websites, I know what works and what doesn’t. My expert recommendations will make your website sparkle and convert visitors to customers.
Whether you’re doing your website yourself or working with a web designer, my website review screencast (video) is clear and easy to understand for everyone involved.
It’s a commitment that will completely transform your life
The best time to enroll in the Gold Membership is now

How does It Work
Step 1:
Please first APPLY HERE , then schedule a free 15 minute consult to discover whether the Gold Membership is the right fit for you.
Step 2:
After I review your application and we meet for our consult, you’ll receive a confirmation email with instructions for payment and next steps.
Step 3:
We’ll dive in by spending the first 2 hours week of October 1, 2023 to assess current health of business, goals, and a plan for the next 3 months.
Step 4:
Typically all owners start with the foundation of a healthy business, a deeper look into marketing, sales, retention, staff, service and leadership. We will spend the next 3 months reworking, refining and developing systems and processes in these areas based on your specific location / business needs. Additionally, much of the focus will be on leadership, becoming an entrepreneur, how to hire and manage people for success. There will be time to plan and develop new lines of passive revenue as well.
Step 5:
Final stage is review of the goals (creating new ones) and ensuring all initial challenges have been met with success!
A final word of advicE
Don’t wait until your business is sinking to get help. The longer you go without proper guidance, the more you’re wasting resources that are in short supply – like your money, your time, and your energy.
The best time to enroll in the Gold membership is today.
Don’t Take My Word for It
Download Amber’s Case Study here
Nicole, working with you during the last 6 months as a member of your Gold Consulting Membership has made a massive difference in my business. As an owner, its’ so easy to get swept up in the day to day details, that it becomes hard to plan ahead and strategize. Because I have you to talk to each week, I’m able to be proactive, stay on track with my goals for the business and plan ahead. Your recommendations during the virtual walk through of my studio space was so incredibly helpful. It takes another perspective to see where simple improvements could be made in the physical space that will have impact my clients experience. I’ve already started planning all the upgrades you mentioned, and I’m excited to see how it transforms the space.”
Amber Fidler
Yoga Lounge Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 2 locations
“Before meeting Nicole, we were really struggling with managing and hiring staff, and also increasing our membership numbers. With her coaching, our membership revenue is up 34% month over month, I’ve hired and trained a stellar team, and have implemented efficient systems that keep my studio thriving while I travel the world. The studio is so much fun now, the energy is high, we are making more money, and everyone feels uplifted! Working with you, Nicole as a Gold Consulting Program member has been the best money I’ve ever spent. All day, all day, all day!!”
Gabriella Walters
Inferno Hot Pilates, Las Vegas, NV, 1 location
“I love the new way you are providing website reviews via video. This was a wonderful benefit of being on the Gold Consulting Membership with you! The video was so clear, and so easy to understand, and I could just send it to my web designer. The strategies you recommend are more powerful when you talk about them! Nothing gets lost in translation. I found that the examples you gave for the photos were so helpful. I now know what our photos should look like. Thank you!”
Alexis Inso
Triology Yoga, Honolulu, HI, 2 locations
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